B. aconitifolia
[4;12-2 / 5;13-2]
B. aconitifolia (with less sploching; sometimes called B. sceptrum)
B. kenworthyae
[4;40-2 ]
B. leathermaniae
B. leathermaniae variation from FWBG
[ ---]
B. ludwigii
B. metallica
[4;24-1 31;54-1 ]
B. olbia
[4;32-2 ]
B. paranaensis
B. platanifolia
[4;32-1 / 5;13-1 / 32;7-2 / 32;24-1 / 32;45-1]
B. wollnyi
Other American begonia species found but not pictured.
involucrata [4;72-2 / 32;17-1]
lobata [4;18-1]
octopetala [4;17-2 //7;2-1 / 8;12-1 / 8;57-1]
olbia [4;32-2]
paranaensis [4;21-1]
parviflora [4;30-1 / 4;59-1 / 19;7-2 / 32;6-1 ]
rufa [4;18-1a]
B. oxyloba
[ 4;53-1 ]
B. deliciosa
[ --- ]
B. deliciosa
[ --- ]
Plant and pictures of Jack Golding
B. emeiensis
Flower picture and Plant of Lauri Gray Boundsall, July, 2007
B. multangula
[4;23-1 / 34;37-1 / 34;44-1 ]
B. pedatifida
Plant and pictures of Lauri Gray Bounsall, July 2007.
[4;51-1 ]
B. taliensis
[ ]
Plant and photo of Gene Salisbury
Other Asian begonia species found but not pictured.
circumlobata [ 4;56-2 / 4;63-1 ]
digyna [ 4;55-2 ]
edulis [ 4;68-1 ]
hemsleyana [ 4;2-1 ]
pedatifida [ 4;51-1 ]
palmata var. difformis [ --- ]