B. albo-picta
[15;22-1a ]
B. arborescens var. oxyphylla
arborescens var. arborescens [17;23-2 / 20;3-1 / 20;8-1]
B. echinosepala
[19;31-1 / 29;5-1 ]
B. echinosepala var. elongatifolia
[ --- ]
B. foliosa
[ 17;27-2 / 17;49-2 / 18;13-2 / 18;6-1 ]
B. meridensis
[20;6-1 ]
B. odeteiantha
[20;45-1 / 20;55-1 ]
B. opuliflora
Picture and Plant of Lauri Gray Boundsall, July 2007
[17;32-1 ]
B. oxyphylla
[16;8-2 / 17;10-1 / 17;19-1 / 19;21-1 / 21;82-1 ]
B. parilis
??? OR ???
[14;10-2 / 14;69-2 / 15;17-2 ]
B. salicifolia
[ 15;15-2 / 17;52-1 / 20;13-1 ]
B. thelmae
[ 19;4-2 ]
B. ulmifolia
[ 17;5-1 ]
B. undulata
[ 20;5-1 ]
Other American begonia species found but not pictured.
alnifolia [ 16;21-2 / 17;36-2 ]
dentatiloba [ 16;8-1 / 17;39-2 / 17;51-2 ]
edmundoi [ 16;49-2 / 16;65-1 ]
maynensis [ 16;14-1 ]
arborescens var. arborescens [ 17;23-2 / 20;3-1 / 20;8-1 ]
arborescens var. oxyphylla [ --- ]
cooperi [ 17;20-1 ]
fuchsioides [ 17;27-1 ]
opuliflora [ 17;32-1 ]
seemanniana [ 17;36-1 / 17;43-1 / 20;51-1 ]
hookerana [ 19;18-1 ]
carpinifolia [ 20;41-1 / 20;63-1 / 33;32-1 ]
comata [ 20;42-1 / 20;62-1 / 21;33-1 / 21;66-2 ]
larorum [ 20;55-2 ]
longimaculata [ 20;51-2 / 20;60-2 ]
peruviana [ 20;29-2 ]
boliviensis [ 21;44-2 / 27;15-1 ]
B. cavallyensis
[15;4-2a ]
Plant and Pictures of Lauri Gray Bounsall, July 2007.
[16;52-2a ]
Plant and Pictures of Ronit Band, July 2007.
[14;78-2b / 18;3-1]
B.loranthoides (was called B. mauricei)
[16;24-1 / 16;58-2 / 17;31-1 ]
B. molleri
[16;43-2 / 16;59-2]
Others African begonia species found, but not pictured.
bogneri [ 15;6-1 ]
cavallyensis [ 15;4-2a ]
rhopalocarpa [ 16;38-1 / 16;41-2 / 16;50-1 ]
komoensis [ 19;33-1 ]
B. hatacoa
[ 16;10-1 ]
(Note: This variety is sometimes incorrectly refered to as B. hatacoa Spotted')
B. hatacoa 'Silver' (a cultivated variety)
B. hatacoa unknown variation (may be var. meisneri)
(If you recognize this B. hatacoa variation, the one that is almost totally silver spotted, please e-mail me.
Thanks, Bill C.)
B. isoptera
[ 21;60-1, 27;94-1]
Other Asian begonia species found but not pictured.
malachosticta [ 21;35-2a ]
naumoniensis [ 21;69-2 ]
oligantha [ 18;13-1 ]
rubro-setulosa [ 19;41-2 / 27;33-1 ]
rubrovenia (is hatacoa) [ --- ]
sarcocarpa [ 21;37-1 ]
Symbegonia sanguinea [ 18;45-1 / 21;28-1 ]
taiwaniana [ 20;66-2 / 27;16-2 / 27;30-2 ]
taiwaniana var. albomaculata [ --- ]