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Alphabetical listing
of all
pictured species

Main Key

Subkey 2-3

Subkey 4

Subkey 5

Subkey 6

Subkey 7-12

Subkey 14

Subkey 15-21

Subkey 22-24

Subkey 25

Subkey 26

Subkey 27-28

Subkey 29-30

Subkey 31-32

Subkey 33-34

Pictorial Key to Selected Begonia species
Subkey 29-30

2-2. Blades basifixed.
    4-2. Blades shallowly lobed to entire (entire, subentire, or lobed).
       7-2. Blades oblique or transverse with the midnerve making a distinct angle with the petiole.
             22-2. Leaves separated by distinct internodes
                25-2. Stems erect.
                   27-2. Inflorescence dichotomously or more branched
                      29-1. Blades at least twice as long as wide


  • Click any picture to see an enlarged view.
  • Click "back" to return to this page.
  • Listings of each species in the Begoniaceae Keys, Editions 1 and 2, are shown in [brackets].
    See notes at the bottom of the main key for an explanation of this notation.


B. acutifolia

{29;43-1 / 30;51-1]


B. angularis

[30;60-2 / 30;114-1 ]


B. angulata



B. coccinea

[30;84-1 ]



[30;103-1 / 30;118-2 ]


B. dichroa

(Note: Immature plant leaves are spotted, mature plant leaves are plain green.)


B. humilis var. porteriana

As humilis [27;18-1, 27;82-1, 29;13-2, 29;27-1, 30;19-1, 30;30-2, 30;39-1]


B. incarnata

Collected by Scott Hoover

collected by R. Morris, photo by P. McMillian
[ --- ]


B. juliana

[ 19;30-1 ]


B. macduffieana

??? OR ??? [30;117-1a]


B. maculata



B. maculata Wightii hort. (a cultivated variety)


B. minor

[30;48-1 / 30;69-1]
B. pseudolubbersii

[20;67-1 / 30;87-2 / 30;96-1 / 30;116-2 ]


B. teuscheri

[ ---]


Other American begonia species found but not pictured.
admirabilis [ 30;95-2 34;27-2 ]
dominicaulis [ 30;114-1a ]
oaxacana [ 30;86-1 34;64-1 ]
piurensis [ 30;81-1 ]
plumieri [ 30;51-2 ]
crenulata (is angularis) [ --- ]
haageana (is scharffii) [ --- ]
hastata (is angularis) [ --- ]
papillosa (is incarnata var. pap...) [ --- ]
reticulata (is angulata) [ --- ]
similis ( is pulchella) [ --- ]


Others African begonia species found, but not pictured.
epipsila [ 29;68-1 / 29;73-1 / 32;74-1 ]
humbertii [ 30;30-1a ]


B. dipetala



B. chlorosticta


Other Asian begonia species found but not pictured.
teysmanniana [ 29;7-1 ]
aptera [ 30;72-1 ]
crassirostris [ 30;112-2 ]
salaziensis [ 30;31-1 34;36-1 34;56-1 34;67-1 ]