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Astro Branch - Amrican Begonia Society

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Unidentified Species
U101 through U150

Unidentified Species

U001 to U050

U051 to U100

U101 to U150

U151 to U200

U201 to U250

U251 to U300

U301 to U350

U351 to U400

U401 to U450

U451 to U500

U501 to U550

Begonia details are in the following order:
-- U number, source, date, is species name, author, date, classification, country

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Begonia U101 Johnson M. , 1983 , , --- rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U102 Johnson M. , 1983 , , trailing/scandent Philippines

Begonia U103 Ziesenhenne R. , --- , , tuberous Bolivia

Begonia U104 Goldsmith L. , 1984 , , rhizomatous Costa Rica
Plant and picture by Mildred Thompson.

Begonia U105 Doorenbos JD. , 1984 , is B. holtonis de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like ---

Begonia U106 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U107 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U108 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U109 --- , --- , no seed distribution , --- ---

Begonia U110 --- , --- , no seed distribution , --- ---

Begonia U111 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U112 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U113 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U114 Brin R. , --- , , rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U115 Brin R. , 1852 , is B. multinervia Liebmann , 1853 thick stem Costa Rica, Panama

Begonia U116 Doorenbos , --- , , shrub-like New Guinea
U116 Female flower
U116 Male flower
Plants and Photos by Mildred Thompson

Begonia U117 Brin R. , --- , is B. urophylla Hooker WJ. , 1855 rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U118 Brin R. , --- , is B. urophylla Hooker WJ. , 1855 rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U119 Brin R. , --- , is tentatively B. estrellensis de Candolle C. , 1895 rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U120 Brin R. , --- , , shrub-like Panama

Begonia U121 Brin R. , 1984 , is B. urophylla Hooker WJ. , 1855 rhizomatous Panama

Begonia U122 Hoover S. , 1984 , , shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U123 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. urticae Linnaeus f. , 1781 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U124 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. urticae Linnaeus f. , 1781 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U125 Worley P. , --- , , rhizomatous Mexico

Begonia U126 Hoover S. , 1984 , is tentatively B. holtonis de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U127 Hoover S. , 1984 , , shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U128 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. fischeri Schrank , 1820 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U129 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. fischeri Schrank , 1820 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U130 Hoover S. , 1984 , , shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U131 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. ferruginea var. ferruginea Linnaeus , 1781 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U132 Hoover S. , 1984 , is tentatively B. kunthiana Walpers , --- shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U133 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. holtonis de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U134 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. holtonis de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Colombia

Begonia U135 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. foliosa H. B. & K. var. foliosa Kunth , 1825 shrub-like Equador

Begonia U136 Hoover S. , 1984 , , --- Ecuador

Begonia U137 Hoover S. , 1984 , , --- Ecuador

Begonia U138 Hoover S. , 1984 , , --- Ecuador

Begonia U139 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. crytocarpa Smith and Schubert , 1946 shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U140 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. buddleiifolia de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U141 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. maynensis de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U142 Hoover S. , 1984 , , --- Ecuador

Begonia U143 Hoover S. , 1984 , , --- Ecuador

Begonia U144 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. glabra var. glabra Aublet , 1775 trailing/scandent Ecuador

Begonia U144-B Hoover S. , 1984 , , --- Ecuador

Begonia U145 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. maynensis de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U146 Hoover S. , 1984 , is tentatively B. secunda Smith & Wasshausen , --- shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U147 Hoover S. , 1984 , same as U139 , shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U148 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. urticae Linnaeus f. , 1781 shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U149 Hoover S. , 1984 , is B. maurandiae de Candolle A. , 1859 shrub-like Ecuador

Begonia U150 Brin R. , 1984 , is B. heraclefolia ( a form of this species) Schlectendal & Chamisso , 1830 rhizomatous Panama

Plant and Photo by Mildred Thompson.

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