Astro Branch - American Begonia Society
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Unidentified Species
U001 through U050

Unidentified Species

U001 to U050

U051 to U100

U101 to U150

U151 to U200

U201 to U250

U251 to U300

U301 to U350

U351 to U400

U401 to U450

U451 to U500

U501 to U550

Begonia details are in the following order:
-- U number, source, date, is species name, author, date, classification, country

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Begonia U001 Spencer R. , --- , is B. grisea de Candolle A , 1859 thick stem Brazil

Begonia U002 --- , --- , is nat. hyb.of B. thelmae X B. soli-mutata , --- trailing/scandent ---

U002 flower

U002 leaf

Begonia U003 Marx B. , --- , is B. soli-mutata Smith & Wasshausen , 1990 shrub-like Brazil

Begonia U004 --- , --- , is B. princeae Gilg , 1901 --- ---

Begonia U005 --- , --- , --- New Guinea

Begonia U006 Johnson M. 1979 trailing/scandent Philippines

Begonia U007 Johnson M. , 1981 , same as U030 , cane-like Philippines

U007 leaf

Begonia U008 Hungarian Botanical Gardens , --- , is subvillosa Klotzsch , 1854 shrub-like Brazil

Begonia U009 Marx B. , --- , is B. thelmae Smith LB. & Wasshausen DC. , 1981 trailing/scandent Brazil

Begonia U010 --- , --- , , --- shrub-like New Guinea, Puerto Rico

Additional photo of U10, Plant grown and photo by Mildred Thompson

Begonia U011 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines

Begonia U012 --- , --- , a Symbegonia species , --- ---

Begonia U013 --- , --- , a Symbegonia species --- ---

Begonia U014 Fuchs F. & Mentelos T. , --- , , shrub-like Argentina

U014 flower, plant and picture by Mildred Thompson

Begonia U015 Johnson M. , --- , is B. cumingii Gray A. , 1854 shrub-like Philippines

Begonia U016 Johnson M. , --- , is tentatively B. formosana (Hayata) Masamune var. formosana Goeobot J. , 1961 --- Taiwan

Begonia U017 --- , --- , --- ---

Begonia U018 Johnson M. & Mathias M. , 1976 , is manicata Brongniart var. peltata Smith LB. & Schubert BG. , --- rhizomatous Guatamala

Begonia U019 Johnson M. , --- , cane-like Philippines

Begonia U020 Johnson M. , --- , is B. oxysperma de Candolle A. , --- trailing/scandent Philippines

Begonia U021 Johnson M. , --- , is B. oxysperma de Candolle A. , --- trailing/scandent Philippines

Begonia U022 Johnson M. , --- , same as U065 , --- Philippines

Begonia U023 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines

Begonia U024 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines

Begonia U025 Johnson M. , --- , , rhizomatous Philippines

Begonia U026 Johnson M. , --- , is B. palmata var. palmata Don D. , 1825 --- Philippines

Begonia U027 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines

Begonia U028 Johnson M. , --- , is minor Jacquin , 1786 cane-like Philippines

Begonia U029 Barkley F. , --- , is 'B. Mystique' --- , --- shrub-like Honduras

U029 flower

U029 leaf

Begonia U030 Johnson M. , 1981 , same as U007 , --- cane-like Philippines

Begonia U031 Johnson M. , --- , is B. minor Jacquin , 1786 cane-like Brazil

U031 Additional picture
U031 flower, plant and pictures by Mildred Thompson

Begonia U032 Johnson M. , --- , , cane-like Brazil

Begonia U033 Ziesenhenne R. , --- , is B. leprosa (was RZ 275) Hance , --- rhizomatous Far East

Begonia U034 --- , --- , not distributed, seeds not viable , --- ---

Begonia U035 Finnish Botanical Gardens , --- , may be same as U049 & U099 , shrub-like ---

Begonia U036 Ziesenhenne R. , --- , is tentatively a form of heracleifolia , rhizomatous Guatemala

Begonia U037 --- , --- , , --- cane-like Asia

Begonia U038 Burtt BL. & Martin AM. , 1967 , is B. chlorosticta Sands M. , 1982 shrub-like Borneo

Begonia U039 Morgan S. , 1976 , is B. heracleifolia var. nigricans Hooker JD. , 1857 rhizomatous Mexico

Begonia U040 Womersley J. , --- , same as U057 , shrub-like Papua New Guinea

Begonia U041 Barkley F. , --- , in the B. lindleyana complex , rhizomatous Mexico

Begonia U042 Doorenbos J. , 1980 , related to B. bracteosa , --- Peru

Begonia U043 Leatherman S. , ~1959 , first known as J-11 , thick stem Brazil

Begonia U044 Johnstone , 1828 , is B. dipetala Graham and Hooker JD. , 1828 thick stem India

Begonia U045 Disney World, FL , 1980 , is tentatively B. cucullata var. cucullata Willdenow , 1805 semperfloren ---

Begonia U046 Doorenbos J. , 1977 , , rhizomatous Madagascar

Begonia U047 Yorke/Scott/Karegeannes , 1978 , , shrub-like New Guinea

Begonia U048 --- , --- , no distribution of seeds , --- ---

Begonia U049 Spencer R. , --- , is tentatively b. juliana Loefgren ex Hoehne , --- shrub-like Brazil

Begonia U050 Bailey H. , --- , , --- Colombia

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