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Unidentified Species
Begonia details are in the following order: Go to the Data Base page for The Begonian references.
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Begonia U004 --- , --- , is B. princeae Gilg , 1901 --- --- Begonia U005 --- , --- , --- New Guinea Begonia U006 Johnson M. 1979 trailing/scandent Philippines
Begonia U009 Marx B. , --- , is B. thelmae Smith LB. & Wasshausen DC. , 1981 trailing/scandent Brazil
Additional photo of U10, Plant grown and photo by Mildred Thompson Begonia U011 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines
Begonia U013 --- , --- , a Symbegonia species --- ---
U014 flower, plant and picture by Mildred Thompson
Begonia U016 Johnson M. , --- , is tentatively B. formosana (Hayata) Masamune var. formosana Goeobot J. , 1961 --- Taiwan Begonia U017 --- , --- , --- --- Begonia U018 Johnson M. & Mathias M. , 1976 , is manicata Brongniart var. peltata Smith LB. & Schubert BG. , --- rhizomatous Guatamala Begonia U019 Johnson M. , --- , cane-like Philippines Begonia U020 Johnson M. , --- , is B. oxysperma de Candolle A. , --- trailing/scandent Philippines Begonia U021 Johnson M. , --- , is B. oxysperma de Candolle A. , --- trailing/scandent Philippines Begonia U022 Johnson M. , --- , same as U065 , --- Philippines Begonia U023 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines Begonia U024 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines
Begonia U026 Johnson M. , --- , is B. palmata var. palmata Don D. , 1825 --- Philippines Begonia U027 Johnson M. , --- , --- Philippines Begonia U028 Johnson M. , --- , is minor Jacquin , 1786 cane-like Philippines
U031 Additional picture
Begonia U034 --- , --- , not distributed, seeds not viable , --- --- Begonia U035 Finnish Botanical Gardens , --- , may be same as U049 & U099 , shrub-like --- Begonia U036 Ziesenhenne R. , --- , is tentatively a form of heracleifolia , rhizomatous Guatemala Begonia U037 --- , --- , , --- cane-like Asia Begonia U038 Burtt BL. & Martin AM. , 1967 , is B. chlorosticta Sands M. , 1982 shrub-like Borneo Begonia U039 Morgan S. , 1976 , is B. heracleifolia var. nigricans Hooker JD. , 1857 rhizomatous Mexico Begonia U040 Womersley J. , --- , same as U057 , shrub-like Papua New Guinea Begonia U041 Barkley F. , --- , in the B. lindleyana complex , rhizomatous Mexico Begonia U042 Doorenbos J. , 1980 , related to B. bracteosa , --- Peru
Begonia U044 Johnstone , 1828 , is B. dipetala Graham and Hooker JD. , 1828 thick stem India Begonia U045 Disney World, FL , 1980 , is tentatively B. cucullata var. cucullata Willdenow , 1805 semperfloren --- Begonia U046 Doorenbos J. , 1977 , , rhizomatous Madagascar Begonia U047 Yorke/Scott/Karegeannes , 1978 , , shrub-like New Guinea Begonia U048 --- , --- , no distribution of seeds , --- ---