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B. ''
Horticultural Type Listing of Begonia Cultivars
Data in this table is in the following order:
- Cultivar name; ABS registration number; Hybridizer;
Date of registration or hybridization.
---------------Horticultural type;
Female parent X Male parent; references (see Reference page for code):
'Acicon' , --- , Michelson , 1961
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , acida X convolvulacea , , B78 d202 ,
'Alpha Gere' , --- , Shippy , 1940
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , dichroa X scandens , , , B94 r218
'Bob-O-Link' , --- , Frey , 1949/1993?
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , radicans X 'Richard the First' , , B93 d161 , B98 r212
'Dark Imperialis' , --- , --- , ~1973
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , , B73 r004
'Delores' , # 478 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , scandens cardifolia X coccinea , , B76 a024 ,
'Dreamtime' , # 816 , Burley H. , 1980
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , 'Schertzo' X procumbens , , B81 a121 ,
'Ellen Dee' , --- , Woodriff , 1981
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , limmingheana ( is radicans) X dichroa , , , B80 r194
'Elsie M. Frey' , --- , Frey , 1947
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , baumannii X limmingheana , , , B80 r194
'Florence Carrell' , --- , Frey , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , limminghenna X incarnata , , , B73 r130
'Fragrant Beauty' , --- , Ashizawa A. , 1976
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , solanantrera X procumbens , B93 p160 , B88 d043 ,
'Glenata' , --- , Yorke B. , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , B93 d161 ,
'Grandiflora' , --- , Lemoine , 1884
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , gracilis var. martiana X racemiflora 'Rosea' , , B97 d135 ,
'Ivy Ever' , --- , Woodruff L. , 1941
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , gracilis var. martiana X limmingheana , , B97 d135 ,
'Jan's Favorite' (U002 ?) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , ,
'Marjorie Daw' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , coccinea X glaucophylla , , B93 d161 , B94 r150
'Orange Dainty' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , dichroa seedling --- , , ,
'Orococo' , --- , Worley P J , 1983
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , glabra X U003 , B97 p132 , , B95 r080
'Panasoffkee' , --- , Michelson , 1976
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , U009 X unknown (or unidentified species (#10 mt) seedling) --- , , , B97 r005
'Pink Chaser' , # 704 , Woodriff L. , 1978
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , solananthera x prismatocarpa X socotrana B95 p109 , B79 a019 ,
'Pocket Change' , --- , Thompson B. , 1994
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , , t
'Pulcherrima' , --- , Lemoine , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , 'Grandiflora' seedling --- , , B97 d135 ,
'Racemiflora' , --- , Lemoine , 1884
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , gracilis var. martiana X racemiflora 'Rosea' , , B97 d135 ,
'Salmon Cascade' , --- , Woodriff , 1977
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , , dm
'Serinata' , --- , Yorke B. , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , B93 d161 ,
'Shippy's Garland' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , B80 d194 ,
'Silver Cascade' , --- , Woodriff L. , 1977
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , grandis ssp. evansiana X pustulata (or reverse order) , BL01 12d06 , BL00 12d10 ,
'Splotches' (trailing/scandent) , # 701 , Woodriff L. , 1978
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , solananthera X limmingheana , B02 p126 , B79 a019 , B80 r194
'Strawberry Daquari' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , 'Silvermist' X albo-picta , , , t
'Tangerine' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , imperialis X micanthera var. fimbriata , , ,
'Tomoka' , --- , Michelson FO. , 1970
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , convolvulacea X peruviana , , B88 d154 ,
'Two Face' , # 758 , Woodriff L. , 1979
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , incarnata hybrid X unknown - (maybe pustulata 'Silver') , , B80 a140 , BL00 d10
'Wild Oranges' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , 'Wild Irish Rose' X 'Olei Silver Spot' , , , t
'Winter Hollyhock' , --- , Woodruff L. , 1941
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , gracilis var. martiana X socotrana , , B97 d135 ,
'Withlacoochee' , # 765 , Michelson F. , 1979
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , thelmae X peruviana , B99 p104 , B80 a227 , B95 r055
'Yorke's Nocturne' (or 'Yorke Nocturne' ?) , --- , Yorke B. , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , B92 p177 , B93 d161 ,
'Zemenia' , # 243 , Standford U.U. , 1967
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , 'Pinafore' X unknown , , B69 a285 ,
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