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B. 'Pinafore Sport'
Alphabetical listing of Begonia cultivars
"Q and R"
Data in this table is in the following order:
- Cultivar name; ABS registration number; Hybridizer;
Date of registration or hybridization.
---------------Horticultural type;
Female parent X Male parent; references (see Reference page for code):
'Quakertown' , # 257 , Furguson PC. , 1969
------------------------------ Shrub-like , olsoniae X 'Jill Adair' , , B70 a016 ,
'Qualicum' , # 203 , West M. , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Peggy-Ann' X rex , , B64 a192 ,
'Quasar' , # 645 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , masoniana X 'Green Frills' , , B78 a188 ,
'Queen Irene' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Alice N.' X 'Orange Rubra' , , , t
'Queen of Hearts' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Jumbo Jet' X Philippine cane , , , t
'Queen Olympus' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B91 r045
'Queen's Banner' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'River Nile' X 'Fancy Pants' , , , t
'Question Mark' , # 373 , Kusler B. , 1973
------------------------------ Cane-like , hydrocotylifolia X 'Lenore Olivier' , , B74 a043 ,
'Quick Silver' , # 942 , Frost G. , 1994
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Looking Glass' X 'Tingley Mallet' , , B94 a131 , crc-p
'Quinebaug' , --- , Logee , 1976
------------------------------ Shrub-like , scharffiana X hispida var. cucullifera , B98 p190 , , B91 r053
'Quito' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B86 p035 , ,
'R. Z. 's B. 139' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Racemiflora' , --- , Lemoine , 1884
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , gracilis var. martiana X racemiflora 'Rosea' , , B97 d135 ,
'Rachael Louise' , # 903 , Burely H. , 1986
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Crestabruchii' X chance seedling , , B86 a130 , B86 d130
'Radiant Pink' , # 700 , Woodriff L. , 1978
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , 'Patty Sweet' X German hiemalis X B. socotrana --- , , B79 a019 ,
'Radium' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B95 r191
'Raggedy Jeans' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Raimund Herinex' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Rain Dance' , , Nuss
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- ,
'Rainbow Tree' , # 702 , Woodriff L. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unknown parentage --- , , B79 a019 ,
'Raindrops' , # 298 , Peace R. , 1971
------------------------------ Cane-like , sceptrum seedling X 'Elaine' , , B72 a078 ,
'Rajkumari' , # 524 , Seitner P. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , sudjanae X rajah , , B76 a168 ,
'Ralph Nelson' , --- , Lowe P. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , aconitifolia X Symbegonia sanguinea , B92 ap137 , ,
'Rama' , # 95 , Horton D. , 1954
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Reichenheimii' X acida , , B54 a208 ,
'Rambo' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerae X 'Ramola' , , ,
'Rambouillet' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Ramirez' , # 596 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1977
------------------------------ Shrub-like , scharffiana X bradei , , B77 a281 , cvn r
'Ramola' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , incana X 'Rininifolia' , , ,
'Ram's Head' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , conchifolia 'Zip' X 'Bokit' , , ,
'Ramses' , --- , Thompson B. , 1991
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cleopatra' X 'Bokit' x carrieae , , , t
'Randy' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Verde Grande' X 'Missouri' , , , B71 r201
'Ranee' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Raphal' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , ,
'Raquel Wood' , # 385 , Kusler B. , 1973
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bow Nigra' X manicata var. aureo-maculata , , B74 a043 , B91 r045
'Raspberries for Ronnie' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Jumbo Jet' X 'Dumbo' , , , t
'Raspberry Moon' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Raspberry Parfait' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Emerald Jewell' X 'Pebble Lane' , , , B71 r201
'Raspberry Swirl' , # 846 , Woodriff L. , 1982
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unnamed Rex cultivar X hemsleyana , , B82 a158 , B95 r191
'Ratchy Patchy' , # 648 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Big Rex' X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B78 a246 ,
'Rattler' , --- , Thompson B. , 1993
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Peggy Frost' X 'Bokit' x carrieae , , , t
'Ravanne' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , ,
'Raven' , --- , Thompson B. , 1993
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Peggy Frost' X 'Dr. Cleo II' seedling , , , t
'Ravenshoe' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Reiga' X 'Pam Sue' , , ,
'Ravishing' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B00 r179
'Ray Burton' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Ray Weakley' (or 'Ray Weakly ?) , # 413 , Lowe PP. , 1974
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Chumash' X 'Verde Grande' , , B74 a240 ,
'Raymond George Nelson' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , listida hort. X 'Jack Golding' , , , B98 r212
'Raythel' , --- , Schwerdtfeger L. , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , fernando-costae X epipsila , , B78 a071d046 , B71 r201
'Red Admiral' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , B83 d097 , B85 r126
'Red Amigo' , --- , Bolwell R. , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , B93 ap172 , , B99 r168
'Red Bellybutton' , # 563 , Cole B. , 1976
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , conchifolia var. rubrimacula X bowerae , , B77 a128 ,
'Red Berry' , --- , Berry , ~1930
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B71 r201
'Red Bluff' , # 101 , Zug S. , 1954
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Dark Sheen' X manicata , , B54 a208 ,
'Red Camellia' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Red Cleo' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cleopatra' x 'Tracery' X 'Zip' , , ,
'Red Comet' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , B83 a098 ,
'Red Compta' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , , B98 r069
'Red Doll' , --- , Woodriff , 1980
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , , B99 r166
'Red Dragon' , --- , Bolwell R. , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , kenworthyae X carrieae , , , B99 r168
'Red Elegance' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , --- --- , , ,
'Red Eye' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Tracery' X 'Zip' , , ,
'Red Face' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Red Heart' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B96 r035
'Red Heart' (see 'Corazon Rojo') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Red Imp' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Red Tracery' X 'Zip' , , ,
'Red Kilt' , # 899 , Meyer M. , 1986
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Sir Percy' X unknown , , B86 a108 , B86 d108
'Red Lace' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B95 r129
'Red Lucerne' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Red Mystry' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , laciniata X 'Red Spot' , , ,
'Red Pearl' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Red Planet' , # 273 , MacIntyre ML. , 1970
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Scottish Star' X 'Zip' , B87 p151r098 , B71 a106 , B00 crc-p
'Red Poi' , # 230 , Rutherford P. , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , parents not listed --- , , B66 a236 ,
'Red Raven' , # 658 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Art Anthony' X 'Lee's No. 9' , B78 p171 , B78 a246 ,
'Red Reign' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B91 r025
'Red River' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Red Solfheim' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous , --- --- , , ,
'Red Spider' , # 276 , MacIntyre ML. , 1970
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Scottish Star' X 'Zip' , , B71 a106 , B00 r197
'Red Spot' , # 275 , MacIntyre ML. , 1970
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Scottish Star' X 'Zip'. , , B71 a106 , B00 r197
'Red Stone' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Red Taffeta' , # 284 , Newton E. , 1971
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'American Beauty' X 'Gretl' , , B71 a238 ,
'Red Tide' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , Rex cultivar X Rex cultivar , , ,
'Red Tracery' , --- , MacIntyre ML. , 1967
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cleopatra' x 'Tracery' X 'Zip' , , B73 a124 ,
'Red Triumph' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Red Undies' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Jumbo Jet' X 'Laura Englebert’ , , , t
'Red Wing' , --- , Lewis , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B94 r007
'Red Wonder' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , B72 d170 ,
'Red Zephyr' , # 811 , Worley P J , 1980
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , suffruticosa X B. 'Twisty Spot X B. 'Curly Merry Christmas' --- , , B81 a098 ,
'Reflections' , # 807 , Worley P J , 1980
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Glory of St. Albans' X unidentified Sumatra species , , B81 a040 ,
'Regal Flair' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B94 r007
'Regalia , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , cathayana seedling --- , , , B88 r164
'Regency' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B87 r153
'Regina Barbara' , # 438 , Philips B. , 1975
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unknown parentage --- , , B75 a094 ,
'Regis Way’ , --- , Nuss I. , 1998
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Kentwood’ X 'Laura Englebert’ , , , B86 d009
'Reichenheimii'' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Fuscomaculata' X heracleifolia ( or reverse) , , B91 d101 , crc-p
'Reiga' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Renaissance' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Reseda' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , acida X Rex cultivar , , ,
'Rex Colorvision' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B88 r096
'Rhapsody' , # 664 , Nuss I. , 1978
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Kentwood' X dregei , , B78 a289 , t
'Rhinestone Jeans' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerae X bowerae var. nigramarga , , , B99 r127
'Ria' (see 'Boomer') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B87 a095a137 , ,
'Ria' -- see 'Boomer , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , U003 ( is soli-mutata) X vitifolia (possibly) , , B98 d013 ,
'Richard Robinson' , --- , Robinson , 1950
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , dregei var. macbethii seedling --- , B01 dp228 , B73 d130 , B97 r235
'Richardsiana' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Richardsoniana' hort. (see suffruticosa ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, semi , --- --- , , B73 d013 ,
'Richii' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Richland' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , scharffiana seedling --- , , ,
'Richmondensis' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Digswelliana' seedling --- , B99 p080 , B96 d223 , B95 r007
'Ricinifolia' , --- , Dietrich , 1847
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , heracleifolia X peponifolia (is barkeri ) , B97 p097 , B97 d097 , cvn r
'Ricinifolia' var. 'Immense' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Rick Lee' , --- , Lowe P. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , B93 r158 ,
'Ricky Kramer' , --- , Worley P J , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , dipetala X deliciosa , , , B99 r113
'Ricky Loving' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Billy' X heracleifolia 'Sunderbruchii' , , ,
'Ricky Minter' , # 1 , Turner M. , 1952
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , manicata 'Crispa' X mazae , , B54 a130 , B95 r055
'Rico Rico' , --- , Worley P J , 1982
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Riggs Place' , --- , Nuss I. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Elizabeth Lockhard' X sceptrum seedling , , , t
'Rikyu' (or 'Rikyuu' ?) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , imperialis X 'Norah Bedson' , , , B91 r046
'Rio Bergen' , # 398 , Orihata J. , 1974
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Pinafore' X lubbersii , , B74 a096 ,
'Rio Rowan' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Rio Scarlet' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , B93 r053 ,
'Rip Saw' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B97 r149
'Rip Van Winkle' , # 440 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , hydrocotylifolia X carrieae , , B75 a116 ,
'Ripoff' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Compte de Lessops' X 'Ripsaw' , , , t
'Ripple' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lenore Olivier' X albo-picta , , , t
'Ripple Rosea' , # 7 , Turner M. , 1952
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Superba Mentone' X roezlii Regel x B. leptotricha C.DC , , B54 a130 ,
'Ripples' , # 818 , Burley H. , 1980
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Broken Hill' X 'Universe' , , B81 a121 ,
'Risas Reward' ( incorrect as 'Rosa's Reward') , --- , Koehler , 1999
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B99 r126
'Rising Storm' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'River Nile' , # 980 , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cleopatra' X 'Bokit' x carrieae , B97 p129 , B96 pd233 , t
'Riverside Benny' , # 70 , Gillingwators M. , 1954
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unnamed spiralled Rex Cultorum seedling X 'Fireflush' , , B54 a208 ,
'Robert Blais' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , Changeant seedling X 'Reiga' , , ,
'Robert Brown' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , B85 r126
'Robert George' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B01 r059
'Robert Nicholson' , # 185 , West MI. , 1961
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , lubbersii X 'Mount Baldy' , , B63 a116 ,
'Robert Ritchie' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Bearded' X changeant seedling , , ,
'Robert Shatzer' , # 252 , Stewart EM. , 1968
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bow-Nigra' X bowerae var. nigramarga , , B93 a174 , B92 a232
'Roberta' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B71 r201
'Robin' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , dregei X unknown , , ,
'Robin Hood' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Robina' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , 'Helene Harms' X boliviensis , , ,
'Robin's Red' , --- , Mounger , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , cvn d ,
'Robinson's Peach' , --- , Robinson , 1981
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , , B71 r201
'Roe Poi' , # 229 , Rutherford P. , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , parents not listed --- , , B66 a236 ,
'Rogeri' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , ,
'Rogus' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Roi' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Roi de Roses' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B95 r191
'Rola-Y' , # 105 , Turner M. , 1954
------------------------------ Shrub-like , hugelii X metallica , , B54 a208 , crc-p
'Rolling Green' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Rolling Thunder' , --- , Anderson T. , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , B00 p218 , ,
'Romola' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , versicolor X 'John Blais' , , ,
'Ronnie Nevins' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Lenore Olivier' X dregei 'Glasgow' , , , t
'Ronnie Ruffles' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Enchanto #14' X Philippine cane , , , t
'Rory' , # 915 , Frost G. , 1987
------------------------------ Tuberous , cinnabarina X boliviensis , , B87 a135 , B87 d135
'Rosabella' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rosalia' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rosalie Wahl' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lenore Olivier' X goegoensis , , ,
'Rosanna' (Rhi.) , # 148 , Horton D. , 1956
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , B59 a251 ,
'Rosanna' (Tube.) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Rosanna Bliss' , # 387 , Lepisto G. , 1973
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Changeant' X 'Curly Stardust' , , B74 a043 ,
'Rosanova' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rosa's Reward' is 'Risas Reward' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Rose' ( syn. Hazel's Front Porch' ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , B74 d305 ,
'Rose Carrier' , , Carrier 1908
------------------------------ Tuberous , grandis ssp. evansiana X 'Bertinii' BL01 12d06
'Rose Cascade' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Darling' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Colorvision' seedling X unknown , , ,
'Rose Elegant' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Elfe' , # 949 , Masubuchi S. , 1994
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , 'Elfe' sport --- , B94 p159 , B94 a164 ,
'Rose Flush' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Marie' (Rex c.) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Marie' (Tube.) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Muse' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Perfection' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rose Picotee' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , , B89 r046
'Rose Princess' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , B85 r126
'Rose Supreme' , # 160 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1941
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Shasta' X dichroa , , B59 a251 , BL00 12d08
'Rosea Gigantea' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , semperflorens X roezlii , , ,
'Rosea Gigantea' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , cucullata (syn. symperflorens ) X roezlii or lynchiana or U095 ? , B87 a011 , ,
'Rosemond' , --- , Lowe P. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , B93 r158 ,
'Roses for Rhea' , --- , Thompson B. , 1997
------------------------------ Tuberous , 'Nonstop' X 'King Cobra' , , , t
'Rosetta' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Rosetta' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Rosetta White' (Rex cultorum) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unknown X 'Merry Christmas' , , ,
'Rosetta White' (rhizomatous) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Zip' X 'Cleopatra' , , ,
'Rosie' , --- , Bolwell R. , ---
------------------------------ --- , 'Christine B' X Lenore Olivier' , , , B99 r168
'Rosie Beck' , # 396 , Short H. , 1973
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Norah Bedson' X 'Colombia species' , , B74 a096 ,
'Rosie Murphiski' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lucerna' seedling --- , , ,
'Rosina Hatcher' , --- , Hatcher RM. , 2000
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , unknown X unknown , B00 apd235 , ,
'Ross' , --- , Nuss I. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B98 r086
'Ross Boswell' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , carolineifolia X thiemei , , , B99 r168
'Ross Swisher' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , aconitifoia seedling --- , , ,
'Ross’ , --- , Nuss I. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Hannah Serr' selfed --- , , , t
'Rossii' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lucerna' seedling --- , , ,
'Rosy Boa' , --- , Thompson B. , 1993
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Peggy Frost' X 'Dr. Cleo II' seedling , , , t
'Rosy Ruffles' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rote Kugel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rouge' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B95 r168
'Roulette' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , B93 r114 ,
'Roundtable' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' X carrieae X 'Frilly Dilly' , , , t
'Roussel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , ,
'Rover' , # 138 , Horton D. , 1954
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , B58 a015 ,
'Roxan' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Roy Hartley' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , B85 r126
'Royal Banner' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'River Nile' X 'Fancy Pants' , , , t
'Royal Banquet' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'River Nile' X 'Fancy Pants' , , , t
'Royal Carpet' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Royal Lustre' , --- , Yorke B. , 1979
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Gee Whiz' X bowerea var. nigramarga , , , B96 r191
'Royal Petticoats' , --- , Corwin M. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B92 r050
'Royal Swirl' , # 404 , Dorsey DL. , 1974
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , chance seedling --- , , B74 a206 ,
'Royalty' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Rubacon' , # 415 , Lowe PP. , 1974
------------------------------ Cane-like , convolvulacea X 'Orange Rubra' , , B75 a011 ,
'Rubaiyat' (or 'Rubyiat' ?) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , dichroa seedling --- , , B96 d145 , B74 r056
'Rubellina' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Rubena' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B01 r059
'Rubrick' (or 'Rubric' ?) , --- , Kartuz M. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Orange Rubra' X albo-picta var. rosea hort. (?) , , cvn d , B98 r049
'Rubud' , # 200 , Budd RM. , ---
------------------------------ --- , paulensis X 'Rola-Y' , , B64 a170 ,
'Rubud' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , paulensis X 'Rola-Y' , , ,
'Rubud Giant' , # 201 , Budd RM. , ---
------------------------------ --- , paulensis X 'Rola-Y' , , B64 a170 ,
'Ruby' , --- , --- , 1981
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , masoniana X grandis ssp. evansiana , , BL01 12d06 , B95 r061
'Ruby Dew' , --- , Worley P J , 1981
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B87 r098
'Ruby Glow' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , dregei X Rex cultivar , , ,
'Ruby Jewel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , 'Bijou de jardin' X 'Calla Lilly' , , ,
'Rubys' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Kristy' X 'Keni Lou' , , , t
'Rudy' , # 475 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , ludwigii X popenoei , BL01 10ap05 , B76 a024 , B80 r192
'Rudy Illions' ('Carousel' grex) , # 296 , Peace R. , 1971
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Immense' X mazae forma nigricans , , B72 a078 ,
'Rudy's Luxurians' , # 590 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1977
------------------------------ Shrub-like , luxurians X unknown , B00 p001 , B77 a281 , B95 r148
'Rudy's Rubella' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Ruffles' , --- , Asmussen , 1984
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Kenlo' X Unknown , , ,
'Rufida' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Viaudii' X 'Prunifolia' , , ,
'Ruhrtal' (syn. "Merry Christmas') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Rum Wackey' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Run Aaabout' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Russian Sabers' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lenore Olivier' X albo-picta , , , t
'Ruth Brankey' , # 543 , Frost G. , 1976
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Persian Brocade' X 'Dr. Jim' , , B76 a338 ,
'Ruth Hurd' , # 283 , Newton E. , 1971
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Vigorosa' X 'Merry Christmas' , , B71 a238 ,
'Ruth Langl' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B94 p157
'Ruth Langl'. , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , , B95 r166
'Ruth Pease' , # 464 , Frost G. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , Regency X 'Carousel' , , B75 a220 ,
'Ruth Siebold' , # 920 , Seibold H. , 1988
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , 'Yellow Sweety' X unnamed Tuberhybrid , , B88 a209 ,
'Ruth Thomas' , --- , Lowe P. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , B93 r158 ,
'Ruth Williams' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Ruthanne' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerae var. major X liebmannii , , ,
'Rutherfordiana' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , B73 d130 , B71 r185
'Ryokuha' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B99 r008
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